Archive for July, 2023

Excerpt From -Types Of Network Marketing Leads

Types Of Network Marketing Leads

And Proven Methods To Generate Leads

Any network marketing business won’t survive without leads. Also called prospects, network marketing leads are people who show interest in your multi-level marketing business, in the products you are selling, or in the services you are offering. There are two common classifications of leads – the cold market and the warm market leads.

Cold Market Leads

These are prospects given by a third-party source like surveys, lead providing companies, or word-of-mouth from friends and even strangers. It can be quite difficult to present your business to such network marketing leads especially now that people tend to be sceptical of unidentified or unknown sources. Be sure though that the leads you’ll get come from a legal recruiting company or a lead provider that employs proper tactics to get people’s contact information.

Warm Market Leads

These are leads that have directly contacted you to ask about the business opportunity you are offering. They can also be referred to you by another business colleague or by someone you know so well like a family member or a friend. These people are more likely to become your customers or downlines because they already have an idea of the business opportunity, products, or service you want to sell them.

Since leads make an Online Business survive, you must ensure that you have a regular supply of quality leads. But before you start attracting leads, you must first know your business’ compensation plan, products, support system, and an established plan to translate leads into distributors.
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